Y Pwyllgor Amgylchedd a Chynaliadwyedd

Environment and Sustainability Committee










25 July 2014



Dear Colleague

The National Assembly for Wales’ Environment and Sustainability Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the Organic Production and Labelling of Organic Products.


The purpose of this inquiry to examine the potential impacts on Wales of the European Commission’s proposals for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on organic production and the labelling of organic products and the proposals made in the Action Plan on the future of organic production in the EU.


Terms of reference


The inquiry will:



Invitation to contribute to the inquiry


The Committee welcomes evidence from both individuals and organisations.


We will be holding an oral evidence session during the autumn term 2014 so it would be helpful if you could indicate in your submission whether you would be prepared to give oral evidence, if invited.


Generally, we ask for submissions to be made in writing because it is normal practice for the National Assembly to publish evidence provided to a Committee on our internet site so that it becomes part of the public record. Please let us know if you have any objections to our publishing your evidence.  We are also able to accept evidence in audio or video format.

The Committee welcomes contributions in English or Welsh, and we ask organisations with Welsh Language policies / schemes to provide bilingual responses, where applicable, in line with their public information policies.


If you wish to submit evidence, please send an electronic copy of your submission to: ES.Comm@wales.gov.uk


Alternatively, you can write to:


Committee Clerk

Environment and Sustainability Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.


Submissions should arrive by 24 October 2014 and should preferably be no longer than 3,000 words in length, have numbered paragraphs and be in a word format. It may not be possible to take into account responses received after this date. Submissions should begin with an executive summary in bullet point form of the main points and should take the form of a single document; if there are any annexes or appendices, these should be included in the same document.


Disclosure of Information


You can find details about how we will use your information at http://www.assemblywales.org/help/privacy/help-inquiry-privacy.htm. Please ensure that you have considered these details carefully before submitting information to the Committee.

Yours faithfully



Alun Ffred Jones AM
